Thursday, 13 September 2012

Who needs posh macaroons?

When someone mentions the word macaroon these days, we automatically imagine the beautifully crafted and awfully expensive creations of the French, and yet by doing so we miss out on a whole range of other lovely treats that fall under the header macaroon.

Now if you don't like coconut you aren't going to like these at all I'm afraid! It is coconut, chocolate and cherry macaroon slice, and it is a wonderful chewy treat - perfect for lunch boxes as many cookbooks like to say!

The Ingredients:

Egg whites, caster sugar, chocolate chips, glace cherries, coconut, and plain flour.

The first thing to do is separate the eggs - egg whites are crucial for the meringue of a macaroon but the yolks aren't needed - you could keep them for another recipe if you want though.
Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks have started to form and then gradually add the caster sugar, a little at a time.
Once all the sugar is whisked in (you should have a really silky smooth looking mixture that stands in stiff peaks), add the chocolate chips, coconut, cherries, and flour.
Mix it all together so the mixture looks like it does below.
The tin required for this should be shallow and rectangular - a swiss roll tin is perfect. Make sure it is well-lined with baking parchment - leaving plenty over the sides so it can be removed easily.
Cook in the oven and remove when it is starting to brown.
When it is cold, melt some more chocolate and drizzle it over the top.
 Cut into pieces, serve, and enjoy!


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