Marmite lovers will therefore love this recipe as it involves a rather large amount of it. (I'm not entirely sure how to refer to marmite! What exactly is it classed as - a sauce, a spread; its a difficult one!) Obviously if you don't like it then this recipe isn't really one for you!
This recipe is for Marmite Pinwheels and is a bit of a cheat as it uses ready-roll puff pastry! Now before anyone says anything, I make all my own short crust pastry without a second thought but puff just seems to be such a faf! How many cookbooks have you read that actually tell you to make your own puff pastry?! If Nigella isn't ashamed of it then neither am I!
The ingredients:
Ready-roll puff pastry, marmite, cheese, and an egg (plus flour for dusting).
Lightly flour an appropriate work surface and roll out the pastry.
Spread the marmite all over the pastry (be patient with this!), leaving a gap of about 1cm around the edges.
Sprinkle the cheese all over the marmite.
Beat the egg, and then brush the edges of the pastry.
Roll the pastry up from the longest end so as to create a marmite-cheese sausage.
Brush the entire thing with beaten egg and then cut into reasonably thick slices. Arrange the slices on a lined baking tray and bake in the oven for around 15 minutes.
When cooked they will be a nice golden brown colour and can be removed from the oven and left to cool. The marmite can ooze slightly!
These can be eaten warm but make sure you don't burn yourself as the cheese will be extremely hot!
So now I am intrigued - who out there is a fan of marmite and who isn't? Let me know!
Completely anti-marmite!
ReplyDeleteThough I have to know... What on Earth is marmite spaghetti?!
Noooo! Marmite is goooood! Hahahaha marmite spaghetti is pretty much what it says on the tin! You cook some spaghetti and the melt some butter and marmite together and pour it over the cooked and drained pasta! Very tasty! But you might not like it! X