Sunday, 8 July 2012


Hello! Thank you to the three lovely people that commented on my first post! It is so nice to know that people are actually interested and it's not just me rambling to myself! For those of you that are interested in following my progress I've linked my twitter account to the blog and I would love it if you followed me if you too have twitter! My tweets consist of musings about my day pretty much but there are also frequent things on food and baking and lots of pictures normally turn up there too! Plus if you ever want a chat or have anything you think I might be interested in you can let me know! As well as twitter you can become a follower of my blog and you'll be one of the first to know what's going on! Thank you everyone for your support so far and if you come back tomorrow I promise there will be a post on food - lemon curd syllabub to be precise! Trust me you do not want to miss it! Now, in true Kate-style, I must go and check on my Yorkshire puddings! Kate Xxx

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